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 Seeking the Welfare
of the City.

Jer. 29:7

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 Sundays at 10:30 am. We can't wait to see you!

PHÅŒS Church exists to make disciples of Jesus Christ, by the teachings of His word and by the power of the Holy Spirit, all for the glory of God.


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Be the Church

When you hear the word “church”, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Is it a brick and mortar building, or the old white church in the country? Most people today don’t know what the Church really is, or how it is relevant today. When Jesus said that He was going to build His Church, he didn’t mean a literal building. He meant that he was going to unite together the people from every nation, language, and continent who love God and love their neighbor as themselves, and give them a direction, a connection, and the answers to questions that all humans ask. We are the Church.

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